Terms & Conditions

1. General conditions of use of the websites nowservinggames.com.au, nsgames.com.au, nowservinggames.au

Welcome to the Completely Weird Pty Ltd Online Store website.
As a user of our website, we kindly ask you to read the following legal notices carefully.
By accessing and using this website, you consent to these Terms and Conditions of Use.
If you do not consent to these Terms and Conditions of Use, please do not use our website.

The operator of this website and publisher of these Terms and Conditions of Use is Completely Weird Pty Ltd ACN 21 644 481 247 ("Completely Weird Pty Ltd", "nowservinggames", "we", "us", "our").

The Terms and Conditions of Use of the website and the legal requirements on privacy, data protection, shipping and cookie use are adapted, supplemented or amended from time to time.
Each time you access or visit the website, the versions accessible at that time apply.
Please visit these pages every time you visit the site to view the latest Terms and Conditions of Use.

2. Copyright and trademark protection

This website, the content elements it contains, such as information, texts, images, photographs, designs and all other data files in our website are protected by law.
Unless otherwise stated, they are subject to copyright, trademark protection or other rights of their respective copyright holders or Completely Weird Pty Ltd or its subsidiaries and affiliates or licensorsor.
No rights of any kind are transferred to you by downloading, copying, translation or processing in other media - e.g. on your own website, in a database, cache or any other storage device.

The content is freely available for browsing purposes only.
If content is reproduced in full or in part in any form – electronic or in writing – for personal and non-commercial use, the source must be cited by name and all existing copyright and other proprietary notices must be observed.

Any use, reproduction, copying etc. of our website, in whole or in part, for any commercial or non-personal purpose is only permissible with the prior written consent of Completely Weird Pty Ltd.

3. No liability for third-party websites

Completely Weird Pty Ltd Online Store may also contains links (hyperlinks) to Internet websites created and maintained by third parties.
Completely Weird Pty Ltd has no influence or control over these third-party websites.

The hyperlinks on the website serve exclusively to facilitate navigation for the user of the Completely Weird Pty Ltd website.
By including hyperlinks, Completely Weird Pty Ltd is simply facilitating access to these websites and assumes no responsibility whatsoever for their content. In particular, Completely Weird Pty Ltd does not endorse the contents of the websites accessible by hyperlink. Only the owners of the linked sites are responsible for their content and for any products offered there and the ordering of said products.

By using this website you agree that Completely Weird Pty Ltd is also not liable for any legally prohibited statements or representations on the websites referenced by hyperlink.
In particular, Completely Weird Pty Ltd assumes no liability for infringement of copyrights, trademark rights or personal rights by the contents of these websites.

4. Purpose and content of this website

This website contains general information, promotional material and descriptions of 3rd party products.
The information and images it contains represent examples of the extensive Completely Weird Pty Ltd product range.

All e-commerce offers are non-binding.

The Completely Weird Pty Ltd Online Store is operated and maintained by Completely Weird Pty Ltd.

All claims for refund, exchange, replacement or repairs are to be dealt with by Completely Weird Pty Ltd who will handle your enquiry in an appropriate manner.

Completely Weird Pty Ltd does not warrant that all the products mentioned on the website are available.

5. No guarantee

Completely Weird Pty Ltd takes all reasonable measures to ensure the accuracy of the information on this website.
However, Completely Weird Pty Ltd is unable to provide any assurances or guarantees as to its timeliness, completeness or correctness, or with regard to its functionality, links or contents.
In particular, Completely Weird Pty Ltd can neither give an assurance nor warrant that by using the website, no rights of third parties not owned by Completely Weird Pty Ltd will be infringed.

6. Limitation of liability and disclaimer

All the information, pages and functions of this website provided may be suspended temporarily or discontinued completely by Completely Weird Pty Ltd.
The company is in no way legally responsible or liable for any temporary or permanent interruption or suspension of information, pages or functions of this website.

To the extent permitted by law, Completely Weird Pty Ltd and any of its related entities assume no liability or legal responsibility for damage, defects or losses, in particular compensation claims for direct, indirect, consequential or subsequent damage, loss of profit, loss of use or data corruption or loss incurred by you or a third party arising in connection with this website.
Completely Weird Pty Ltd and its related entities are not liable under any circumstances for illegal content stored by the user or its improper use by him/her or for the loss of data or the presence of viruses or other harmful components.
This limitation of liability applies irrespective of the legal basis of the liability.

7. Privacy

The protection of your privacy is important to us.
Information about how we handle your data can be found in our Privacy Policy, which is subject to these Terms and Conditions of Use.

8. Other provisions

If the individual provisions or parts of these Terms and Conditions of Use should prove to be invalid or ineffective, the validity of the rest of the Terms and Conditions of Use will not be affected.
These Terms and Conditions of Use are subject to Australian law.

9. Payments

When making a payment or payment claim you must be fully compliant with your card issuer's Terms and Conditions for use of the card at our webstore. You may be personally liable for losses and legal enforcement expenses through debt recovery action should you not adhere to these defined processes.

10. Contact

If you have any questions about these Terms and Conditions of Use, please contact us in writing at : sales@nowservinggames.com.au