A Song of Ice and Fire : Tabletop Miniatures Game

A Song of Ice and Fire : Tabletop Miniatures Game - Baratheon Attachments #1
A Song of Ice and Fire : Tabletop Miniatures Game - Baratheon Attachments #1
With the death of Robert Baratheon, many have put in claims to be the next rightful person to sit on the Iron Throne. For House Baratheon, two people hav
A Song of Ice and Fire : Tabletop Miniatures Game - Baratheon Heroes #1
A Song of Ice and Fire : Tabletop Miniatures Game - Baratheon Heroes #1
United We Stan For Stannis When Robert Baratheon died, control of the Iron Throne went to his son Joffrey. However, Robert’s brothers are also seeking to claim the throne for themselves. Both S
A Song of Ice and Fire : Tabletop Miniatures Game - Baratheon Heroes #2
A Song of Ice and Fire : Tabletop Miniatures Game - Baratheon Heroes #2
A Song of Ice & Fire: Baratheon Heroes 2 Though Renly might be the younger of the Baratheon brothers looking to lay claim to the Iron Throne, it doesn’t mean h
A Song of Ice and Fire : Tabletop Miniatures Game - Baratheon Kings Men
A Song of Ice and Fire : Tabletop Miniatures Game - Baratheon Kings Men
The King’s Men Fight to See Stannis on the Iron Throne The faith that the King’s Men have in The Seven is only matched by their faith that Stannis Baratheon should be the next one to sit upon the I
A Song of Ice and Fire : Tabletop Miniatures Game - Baratheon Sentinels
A Song of Ice and Fire : Tabletop Miniatures Game - Baratheon Sentinels
House Baratheon’s Doctrine of War is Heavy For most armies, the armor worn by the Baratheon Sentinels would count the
A Song of Ice and Fire : Tabletop Miniatures Game - Baratheon Stag Knights
A Song of Ice and Fire : Tabletop Miniatures Game - Baratheon Stag Knights
The Stag Rides to Battle The Stag Knights are House Baratheon’s finest unit. Their ranks are made up o
A Song of Ice and Fire : Tabletop Miniatures Game - Baratheon Starter Set
A Song of Ice and Fire : Tabletop Miniatures Game - Baratheon Starter Set
  King Robert Baratheon is dead. And while his (alleged) son Joffrey sits on the throne, there are other Baratheons who have also made claim to the kingdom. Both Renley and Stannis Baratheon have laid c
A Song of Ice and Fire : Tabletop Miniatures Game - Baratheon Wardens
A Song of Ice and Fire : Tabletop Miniatures Game - Baratheon Wardens
House Baratheon’s Troops Hit Like a Blacksmith Forging Iron House Baratheon’s battle doctrine is fairly simple: be strong like iron. They outfit their troops in heavy armor
A Song of Ice and Fire : Tabletop Miniatures Game - Bloody Mummers Skirmishers
A Song of Ice and Fire : Tabletop Miniatures Game - Bloody Mummers Skirmishers
Their Garishness of Their Getup is Matched Only by Their Cruelty There are many mercenary companies in Westeros. Each one must find a way to stand out from the rest. The Bloody Mummers do this via garish
A Song of Ice and Fire : Tabletop Miniatures Game - Bolton Bastards Girls
A Song of Ice and Fire : Tabletop Miniatures Game - Bolton Bastards Girls
Dogs have been used as part of the hunt for hundreds of years. Their keen sense of smell, swift running speed, and vicious bite have helped man put food on the table since their domestication. House Bolton,
A Song of Ice and Fire : Tabletop Miniatures Game - Bolton Blackguards
A Song of Ice and Fire : Tabletop Miniatures Game - Bolton Blackguards
House Bolton Employs the Most Vicious Fighters in Westeros House Bolton’s reputation makes you either run in terro
A Song of Ice and Fire : Tabletop Miniatures Game - Bolton Flayed Men
A Song of Ice and Fire : Tabletop Miniatures Game - Bolton Flayed Men
House Bolton gets the award for most-armored unit on the field of battle. The Flayed Men cavalry are clad in heavy plate armor and their horses are equally armored in thick barding. On
A Song of Ice and Fire : Tabletop Miniatures Game - Builder Crossbowmen
A Song of Ice and Fire : Tabletop Miniatures Game - Builder Crossbowmen
The Builders are the designers, engineers, and craftsmen that keep the Night’s Watch stocked with arms and armor, as well as create and maintain the siege weapons along The Wall. But everyone in the Night&rsq
A Song of Ice and Fire : Tabletop Miniatures Game - Builder Scorpion Crew
A Song of Ice and Fire : Tabletop Miniatures Game - Builder Scorpion Crew
A powerful machine of war keeps opponents at bay. Life on the Wall can be hard, but the Brothers of the Night’s
A Song of Ice and Fire : Tabletop Miniatures Game - Builder Stone Thrower
A Song of Ice and Fire : Tabletop Miniatures Game - Builder Stone Thrower
The Builder’s Machines Keep Westeros Safe In the northernmost reaches of civilized land, the Night’s Watc
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